Sunday, July 26, 2020

Wow, work!

Wow, work! I have been incredibly busy so far this month. Im taking hours away from French homework to sit down and write to you, but I think its time. Class has been going well. Its a significant effort commitment, but its rewarding. Weve had an exam and two quizzes already, as well as three packets of homework, with a fourth packet due this coming Monday. Ive done fine on everything, so thats good. Ive also been fitting in some fun things, day/weekend trips, seeing friends, when my schedule permits. Weekends have been staying relatively free, which is great. I went to Boston Latin (an area high school) the other night to see the Boston-area early action admits they had a meetgreet sort of event for students, parents, alums, and MIT staff so that the students could ask questions and become better acquainted with MIT and each other. There was food and drink and although it was raining, there was a pretty good turnout. Fun stuff. Ive basically been trying to edge in enough structure this month to prepare me for grades next term (ABC/no record), while still allowing enough free time and leisure. I think the balance is something to strive for. It took a week of going to bed at 8PM and getting up at 4AM to shock me back into being a morning person, but I think its working knowing I have to be up to finish homework and go to class at 10AM seems to get me out of bed, into my clothes and out the door to building 14. Few people are pressured with classwork and psets this month, which is pretty refreshing. Although, when half the hall is getting up at 4PM, the point at which Ive already endured hours of class, work, and am thinking about dinner, I guess I feel productive. :-P More later, and I promise I wont go so long without updating. Its just been really busy around here. Take care!

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